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yesus mengecam kota-kota yang tidak bertobat bahasa Inggris

  • yesus:    jesus; prince of peace; savior; the nazarene;
  • mengecam:    cavil at; caviled at; caviling at; cavilled at;
  • yang:    a one; of that which; of which; ones which; that;
  • yang tidak:    which does not
  • tidak:    de; did not; didn't; do not; does not; doesn't;
  • bertobat:    turn away from sin; atone; repentant; regret;
  • penyamun yang tidak bertobat:    impenitent thief
  • yesus mengecam orang farisi:    woes of the pharisees
  • kota:    town; municipality; urban; wall; urban center; outharbour; fort; outport; chorography; village; capital; settlement; large town; metropolis; fortress; urban centre; fastness; hometown; stronghold; b
  • tahun-tahun yesus yang tidak diketahui:    unknown years of jesus
  • mengecam:    cavil at; caviled at; caviling at; cavilled at; cavilling at; flay; flayed; flaying; lampoon; lampooned; lampooning; rap; admonish; slate; correct; rail; spot; condemn; pick out; attack; pick apart;
  • kota yang musnah:    destroyed cities
  • orang kota yang licik:    city slicker
  • yang dianggkat mengurus kota:    mayor; provost
  • bertobat:    turn away from sin; atone; repentant; regret; shrive; repent; rue; absolve; rebuke